Love Baby-Led Weaning?

Get quick & simple recipes that everyone in the family will love!

Your one-stop shop for baby-led weaning recipes, tips, and information

I know how hard raising babies and toddlers can be. I have two toddlers myself who are 18 months apart. I’ve been doing baby-led weaning with them since they were 6 months old.

I’ve now transitioned them to toddler meals, but my BLW recipes also work for toddlers as well.

Before I started this website, I would scour the internet looking for baby-friendly meals that both of them could eat.

The recipes I found were either too complicated, used too many ingredients, or just took too long to make.

I got so frustrated with the limited options out there, and that’s why I decided to start this website.

My goal is to provide busy moms with simple, quick, and easy recipes that work both as baby-led weaning meals and family meals.

Because we all know how difficult it is to cook separate meals for your baby and yourself every day.

A Little About Me

I’m a certified biology teacher who has taught high school biology for many years. I also teach nutrition and health as an elective. I understand the importance of feeding babies healthy and nutritious meals so that they build a healthy foundation with food.

That’s why my recipes do not use artificial dyes and sweeteners. I use simple everyday ingredients to create quick and easy meals for the whole family.

There are no frills when it comes to the meals I make. I focus on using real fruits and vegetables to craft meals suitable for baby-led weaning and toddlers.

I hope you find all the resources needed to begin your baby-led weaning journey here. To learn more, visit my About Me page here.

Breakfast Recipes

Applesauce waffles, baby-led weaning, baby, toddler
BLW breakfast Ideas

Applesauce Waffles for Baby-led Weaning Your Kids Will Love

Applesauce waffles for baby-led weaning is an easy recipe for adding fruits to your kid’s diet. It’s also a great way to use old applesauce pouches before expiring. These waffles have a hint of sweetness from the applesauce without going overboard.  My Inspiration for Making These Applesauce Waffles I created this applesauce waffle recipe one…

Lunch Recipes

chickpea muffins, chickpea flour, baby-led weaning, baby, toddlers
BLW lunch Ideas

Simple Chickpea Muffins For Baby & Toddlers (No Added Sugar)

These Chickpea muffins for baby-led weaning & toddlers are packed with protein and nutrients that kids need to grow. They’re naturally gluten-free and vegetarian, making them perfect for families with dietary restrictions. Why I Love These Chickpea Flour Muffins For Babies & Toddlers They’re made with chickpea flour  These muffins don’t use traditional all-purpose flour….

Dinner Recipes

BLW Lunch Ideas

baby-led weaning muffin, carrot muffin, carrot & apple muffin, muffin for baby, toddler muffin

BLW Breakfast Ideas

eggy bread, baby french toast, baby-led weaning

BLW Dinner Ideas

pumpkin pasta for baby, pumpkin pasta for toddler, pasta for baby

BLW Tips & Ideas

eggs for babies, eggs for toddlers, eggs for baby's first food, egg recipe for babies.

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