Hi! I’m Aghogho.
I believe that nutritious Baby-Led Weaning meals shouldn’t be too complicated.
I’m a mom of two who specializes in making quick and nutritious baby-led weaning (BLW) meals the whole family will love. So you never have to make separate meals for everyone again.
A Little About Me
I’m a certified science teacher who has a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and a Master’s degree in Education. Above all, I’m a mama of two beautiful kids; currently a toddler and a baby.
I love to cook in my free time, and that’s why I started BLW For Busy Moms to share all my recipes.
I’ve been passionate about food ever since I learned to cook at 7 years old. In Nigeria where I was born and raised, we didn’t use pretend food to play, we cooked alongside our mothers in the kitchen. I learned to cook by watching my mother and imitating everything she did.
I cooked my first meal at 8 years old!
A few years ago, I realized that my toddler had become a picky eater because all I fed him was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and chicken nuggets.
With how crazy my life had become (working, pregnant with our second kid, moving, renovating our new home, and dealing with the pandemic) I no longer had time to cook.
We relied on eating out and making quick meals from cans, jars, and boxes. It was just so easy to reach for peanut butter and jelly when you’re exhausted from all of life’s stresses.
My toddler became so picky that he’d refuse to eat anything was wasn’t his favorite two meals. That’s why I knew I needed to change.
After my second baby turned 6 months old, and was ready to start solids, I made a decision.
I decided to start creating a list of simple, quick recipes that I could make in 30 minutes or less. These recipes would be ones you can batch-cook, freeze, or make ahead to reduce the load of cooking every day.
There will also be recipes that you could make in large quantities for the whole family to enjoy, not just the kids.
Because lord knows I hate making separate meals for kids and adults every day.
By the end of my baby’s first month doing baby-led weaning, I had created 20 different recipes. I needed a place to keep them so they didn’t get lost through the years, so I decided to start a website.
My website would be a place where I could post all my recipes as an homage to my kids, so they could see how they inspired my creativity to cook for them in their early years.
This website would be a “living diary” of recipes that they could use with their own kids someday when they’re older.
As an added bonus, other busy moms would also be able to use my recipes to inspire them in the kitchen.
Now I can’t say that my toddler still doesn’t prefer peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but at least he has better diversity in his diet.
He is more willing to try new food instead of just rejecting everything.
At the time I wrote this, my baby was 9 months old, so he’s more open-minded when it comes to food. He’ll try anything at least once. Finger’s crossed he continues this way!
Thank you for taking the time to read this far. I can’t wait to share my baby-led weaning journey with you.

How Can I Help You Today?
BLW Lunch Ideas

BLW Breakfast Ideas

BLW Dinner Ideas

Baby’s First Food