best type of yogurt for baby-led weaning, best yogurt for babies, best organic yogurt for BLW, best plain whole milk yogurt for kids

The Best Yogurt for Babies Doing Baby-led Weaning

Finding the right yogurt for babies doing baby-led weaning can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re feeding it for the first time. Yogurt is a great food for your baby because it has many health benefits.  If you’re looking for the best yogurt for baby-led weaning, then this article is for you.  In this article, I…

Gagging vs choking BLW. Baby-led weaning gagging, choking hazards, choking incidents

Gagging vs Choking In Baby-led Weaning: Differences, What to do and Safety Tips

Understanding the differences between gagging and choking is important when doing baby-led weaning. A lot of parents who don’t like to hear their baby gagging often abandon the baby-led approach and switch to purees because of it. So knowing the difference will give you the confidence to continue your feeding journey. In this article, I’ll…

baby-led weaning breastfeeding, solid foods and breastfeeding, starting solids and exclusively breastfeeding, milk supply low and baby-led weaning

Baby-Led Weaning & Breastfeeding: All You Need to Know

If you’re planning to do baby-led weaning while breastfeeding, you may have all sorts of questions.  Some common worries include whether your milk supply will stop, how much breast milk to give while offering solid foods, and what your baby’s new feeding schedule should look like. As a baby-led weaning coach and a mom of…

Baby not eating baby-led weaning, Baby in high chair eating finger foods, Family mealtime with baby

What To Do When Baby’s Not Eating During Baby-Led Weaning

Starting baby-led weaning can be exciting, but what happens when your baby is not eating like you expected? You may worry whether they’re getting enough nutrients. You may even wonder if you should stop baby-led weaning and switch to purees for a while. I’m here to tell you that you’re doing great and to encourage you…

baby-led weaning while traveling, baby-led weaning on the go, feeding solids and traveling, starting solids and traveling

BLW On The Go: Tips and Easy Recipes For Feeding Baby While Traveling

​Traveling with your baby doesn’t mean you have to abandon baby-led weaning. I’ve done baby-led weaning while camping, sleeping in an Airbnb, and in hotel rooms since my kids were 6 months old. So I know a little about how to do baby-led weaning while traveling on the go.  With a little careful planning, you can ensure that your child is fed, happy,…

best baby-led weaning bibs, best bibs for BLW, best bibs for starting solids, best silicone bibs, best sleeved bibs, best catch-all bibs

The Best Baby Bibs for Starting Solids & Baby-Led Weaning | Rated By Real Moms

The Baby-led feeding stage is an exciting journey, but let’s be real—it can get messy! That’s why choosing the best bibs for baby-led weaning can make all the difference in keeping your baby’s clothes clean and reducing your post-meal cleanup.  With so many options out there, it can feel overwhelming to find the perfect bib. In this article, you’ll learn everything…

best baby-led weaning plates, best baby-led weaning bowls, best suction plates, suction bowls, best toddler plates, starting solid plates, divided plates, silicone plates, bamboo plates, metal plates

Best Baby-led Weaning Plates & Bowls For Starting Solids

Choosing the right baby-led weaning plates and bowls makes starting your baby on solid foods much easier. It can be the difference between an enjoyable meal and a frustrating one for both you and your baby. As a mom of two who has tried countless baby-led weaning plates in the last 4 years, I’m here…

Baby not eating baby-led weaning, Baby in high chair eating finger foods, Family mealtime with baby

Signs of Readiness to Start Solid Foods or Baby-led Weaning

Introducing solid foods is an exciting time in your baby’s life. It’s a major milestone that opens the door to new textures, flavors, and skills. But timing is key—starting too soon can cause problems, and waiting for the right developmental signs of readiness ensures a smoother transition. In this article, I’ll cover the signs of readiness to start solids, common myths, and…

blw water, baby-led weaning ang giving baby water

BLW and Water: Ultimate Guide to Help Babies Drink Water Safely

When it comes to giving water during baby-led weaning, many parents get confused about the rules. You may wonder: How much water is safe? When should my baby drink it? Water might seem simple, but when it comes to baby water needs, there are a lot of factors to consider. This post will cover when…