63 Safe Baby-Led Weaning Foods: The Ultimate Guide + Free Printable

It’s important to offer safe baby-led weaning food to your baby during the weaning process.
If you’re reading this guide, then you must be a parent trying to gather as much info as possible before they begin baby-led weaning.
In this article, I’ll share with you some simple and safe foods you can start serving during baby-led weaning.
Before you continue, read some of my other guides to get the most up-to-date information on starting baby-led weaning.
- A Comprehensive guide to starting baby-led weaning: all you need to know
- A detailed review of the pros and cons of BLW
- Baby-led weaning first foods: a detailed guide
- A Comparison of baby-led weaning vs traditional weaning
Before we continue with our safe BLW foods guide, let’s talk briefly about some benefits of baby-led weaning.
Benefits of Baby-Led Weaning
Baby-led weaning has many benefits for both you and your baby.
The first benefit is the low cost of doing BLW.
In BLW, you’re feeding your baby the same food that the whole family is eating.
You don’t have to spend money buying premade food jars and pouches. This reduces the cost of baby-led weaning.
Another benefit is that it encourages self-feeding and independence in kids.
When kids learn to feed themselves, they feel empowered.
They learn to make choices on what they want to eat and how much they’ll eat. This leads to a positive relationship with food (source)
Check out my other article to learn more about all the other benefits of baby-led weaning.
Now let’s take a look at some safe baby-led weaning foods.
FREE printable – BLW Meal Planner

Safe Baby-Led Weaning Foods – Fruits
When introducing fruits to your baby, make sure you stick to soft varieties. Avoid fruits that are small and rounded like grapes until your baby is more advanced in baby-led weaning.
Below are some safe BLW fruits to start with:
Bananas are the most popular safe baby-led weaning foods. You can offer halved bananas or mash them and offer your baby a preloaded spoon to self-feed.
To serve peaches to your baby, you can either peel it and offer just the flesh or allow your baby to gnaw at it and explore the texture or both the skin and flesh.
Make sure you remove the seed first so that your baby doesn’t swallow it.
Soft and flavorful, mangoes are a great source of vitamins and add a tropical twist to baby’s meals.
Mangos can be served whole for your baby to gnaw and suck on. Some parents prefer to peel the mangos first to make it easier for their babies to eat.

Blueberries are another popular option for safe baby-led weaning foods.
They’re easy for a baby to pick and eat. To make it safe for your baby, pop it and squish it just a little to make it less round.
Blueberries are safe and don’t pose a choking hazard when served right.
When it comes to strawberries, the bigger the better for your baby.
Large strawberries are easier for a baby to hold and eat. They’re also less likely to be stuck in your baby’s throat.
Pears are safe foods for BLW when served appropriately.
Slice ripped pears into thin slices for your baby to eat. You can also cook the pear until it’s soft enough to poke with a fork.
Peeled and sliced kiwi is a vitamin C-rich fruit with a soft texture suitable for babies.
Offer very ripe papaya to make it a safe food for baby-led weaning. You can also cut ripe papaya into chunks for your baby to eat.

Diced or cut into thin slices, cantaloupe is a hydrating and mild-flavored fruit for little ones.
Remove the pits and cut them into appropriate sizes. You can offer plums with the skin still on. Most babies will bite and spit out the skin, but it’s a great way for them to explore texture.
Orange wedges
Oranges can be a safe baby-led weaning food when cut safely.
Cut oranges into wedges for your baby to munch on. You should also remove the seeds as well. It’s a good idea to leave the skin attached to help your baby grip it better.
Ripe nectarines are safe baby-led weaning foods.
To serve them, remove the pits and offer them to your baby to munch on. Don’t worry if they bite the skin. They’ll either spit it out or swallow it.
Prunes are great for helping babies with constipation. Offer ripe prunes to your baby that has the pits removed for their safety.
During the summer months, watermelons make a great first food for babies.
You don’t have to worry about babies eating watermelon seeds because they’re too small to pose a choking hazard.
Apples can be a safe baby-led weaning food if served appropriately.
For babies just starting BLW, it’s safest to offer them cooked apples or grated raw apples.
FREE printable – BLW Meal Planner

Safe Baby-Led Weaning Foods – Vegetables
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potato is a safe BLW food that most kids love.
You can serve mashed potatoes in a preloaded spoon. You can also bake the sweet potatoes or make sweet potato wedges for your baby.
Check out a list of my sweet potato recipes below
- sweet potato wedges for baby
- Ginger and onion sweet potato mash for baby
- Sweet potato and spinach fritters for baby
- Baked sweet potatoes for babies
- Sweet potato pancakes for baby-led weaning
- Sweet potato muffins for baby
Carrots (cooked, steamed or roasted)
Soft-cooked carrots are easy for little gums to manage.
Avoid feeding your baby raw carrots because they are a serious choking hazard.
To safely feed carrots to babies between 6-9 months old, it’s best to slice the carrots lengthwise and cook them until it’s soft enough to squish between your fingers.
Peas (cooked)
Small and soft peas can be introduced as finger food. I use them to help my baby practice his pincer grasp.
You can feed canned peas to your baby if you don’t have time to cook them from scratch.
Peas are soft enough to pop in your baby’s mouth so they aren’t a choking hazard.
Butternut Squash
One of my all-time favorite fall vegetables is butternut squash. It makes a great first food for babies.
Roasted, steamed, or boiled butternut squash is a safe food for BLW.
You cut them into wedges or cubes. Make sure to peel them first before serving.

Zucchini is another safe food for baby-led weaning. It’s very easy to prepare it too.
You can bake it and serve it directly to your baby or add it to muffins, pancakes, waffles, and eggs.
For a baby just starting baby-led weaning, it’s better to serve large broccoli with some of the stem attached.
This will make it easier for your baby to grasp and feed themselves.
To prepare broccoli, you can steam them. You can also add the florets to pancakes, muffins, waffles, eggs, etc.
Green Beans
My preferred way to serve green beans to babies is cooked. You want to cook it really soft enough to squish easily between your fingers.
To make things easier for me, I serve canned green beans. They’re already cooked and soft.

Cauliflower is a safe baby-led weaning food. It’s easy to cook and doesn’t require a lot of spices to make it taste good.
I’ve made cauliflower egg scramble for breakfast, cauliflower pizza for lunch, and cauliflower muffins as well.
You can also choose to steam them and serve them directly.
Check out my cauliflower recipes below:
- The Best Cauliflower Pizza For Baby
- Sweet Cauliflower Muffins For Baby-led Weaning (dairy-free)
- Quick Cauliflower Scrambled Eggs For Baby & Toddler
Spinach is a very healthy vegetable to feed your baby.
Chop and saute the spinach before serving to your baby. You can mix it into pasta, eggs, and other foods for your baby.
Check out my recipe for spinach and mushroom scrambled egg. Your baby will also love my spinach and sweet potato fritters.
The fall season is the perfect time to introduce pumpkin to your baby. Pumpkin can be prepared in so many different ways that are safe for baby-led weaning.
You can make roasted pumpkin cubes, pumpkin pasta, pumpkin pancake for baby, and pumpkin puree.
You can also make mashed pumpkin and preload a spoon for your baby to eat.

When it comes to hard vegetables like asparagus, I prefer to offer my baby the canned ones. That’s because they’re usually the right softness for a baby to chew.
You can also cook it from scratch. Just make sure it’s soft enough to be squished with your fingers.
Bell Peppers
Bell peppers are safe to feed your baby. You can steam or cook them until soft. I also like to dice them into small bits and mix them into rice for my baby to eat.
Cucumbers are also great first foods for baby-led weaning. They’re great for teething gums as well.
Peel and Slice them lengthwise to allow your baby to pick them up easily.
Packed with healthy fats and a creamy texture, avocados are a nutritious choice for baby-led weaning.
You can serve sliced avocados rolled in chia seeds or coconut flour to help your baby easily grip it. You can also serve avocados mashed on a preloaded spoon.
Check out this article to learn about 15 ways to serve avocados to babies and toddlers.

Safe Baby-Led Weaning Foods – Dairy Products
Jennifer House, a registered Dietitian says “Babies can have dairy at six months! We now know introducing higher-risk allergens like dairy sooner can promote tolerance”
Ms. House, RD., says for yogurt, look for a high milk fat percentage – you can find 3% to 10% With no added sugar, sweeteners, or colors.
Plain yogurt is safest for babies. If your baby refuses plain yogurt multiple times, you can mix it in a fruit puree for flavor.
The safest cheese for babies are those that have been pasteurized to kill the bacteria inside.
Some options include ricotta, mozzarella, Parmesan, cottage cheese, and cheddar cheese.
Hard cheeses can be grated in a bowl for your baby to eat or mixed into other foods. Soft cheeses like ricotta can be served in a bowl for your baby to scoop with their hands.
Cream Cheese
Spread a thin layer on whole grain toast or rusk crackers. This will make a safe snack for your baby.
Plain Milk
Even though it’s not advised to give your baby whole milk to drink before they’re 1, you can still cook with it.
You can make things like oatmeal for your baby with milk. When used as a cooking ingredient, milk is completely safe for your baby.

Baby Yogurt Melts
Yogurt melts are a safe snack for babies that most parents love. You can make them yourself by Freezing small yogurt drops on a tray for a cool and soothing treat.
A small amount of unsalted butter can be spread on baby-friendly toast or crackers. I’ve made this plenty of times on busy mornings for my baby and toddler.
Smoothies with Milk
You can use milk to make smoothies for your baby. Just blend some fruits, and add milk or yogurt. You can also add some bananas to make the smoothie sweet.
Vanilla Pudding
Vanilla Pudding is a favorite in my household. To make this a safe baby-led weaning food, use plain vanilla pudding with no added sugar.
Sugar should be avoided at all costs with babies.
When it comes to dairy products, always introduce one at a time to watch for any potential allergies.
FREE printable – BLW Meal Planner

Safe Baby-Led Weaning Foods – Proteins
I asked some nutritionists about some safe baby-led weaning foods they would recommend parents feed their children.
Jennifer House, a registered dietitian, said bison and other red meat are great sources of protein for babies.
They’re not just safe baby-led weaning foods, but they’re rich in iron as well. Iron helps produce hemoglobin which is an essential component of red blood cells (source)
Ms. House, RD said Bison is an easy way to offer your baby heme iron. The iron in meat is the best-absorbed source, called heme iron, and bison is high in iron.
Meatloaf or meatballs are a great way to serve ground bison (or any ground meat), beef, chicken, or turkey. Press the metaballs down before baking, and you’ll have baby burgers!”
So if you have access to bison and other red meat, don’t hesitate to feed them to your baby.
Fish contains the omega-3 fat DHA and is a source of iron, too. Once your baby can pick it up, you can offer canned, no-sodium-added salmon right out of the can!
You can also make fish cakes. Another way to serve fish once your baby has a pincer grasp is just to shred it and place it on their tray.
Chicken Strip
Chicken is a safe food for baby-led weaning.
Cook boneless, skinless chicken until it’s tender. Cut into small, thin strips for easy handling. You can also shred the chicken for your baby to eat.

Turkey Meatballs or nuggets
Mix ground turkey with breadcrumbs and your favorite vegetables, and bake until fully cooked. Shape into baby-friendly meatballs or nuggets for your baby to eat.
Soft Scrambled Eggs
Scrambled eggs are my favorite breakfast for baby-led weaning.
Whisk eggs until they’re nice and fluffy. Cook over low heat and scramble until they’re soft and easy to chew.
Eggs are a common allergen so make sure you learn the signs of an allergic reaction in babies.
Try out some of my egg recipes below
- Sweet potato scrambled eggs for baby
- Spinach and mushroom omelette
- Spinach egg cups
- Cauliflower scrambled eggs for baby
Ground Beef
Cook ground beef until it’s fully done. Break it into small, baby-sized pieces. You can mix cooked ground beef into pasta, rice, and other foods.
You can also mold it into meatballs for your baby.
Shredded Cheese
Cheese isn’t just a dairy product. It also contains protein. Choose mild cheeses like cheddar or mozzarella. Shred into tiny bits for easy munching.
Tofu Cubes
Tofu is a safe food for BLW. It’s easy to prepare and very versatile.
Cube tofu and bake or pan-fry until it’s slightly crispy on the outside. This will allow your baby to self-feed.
I’ve also made tofu meatballs, and tofu nuggets in the past.

Pulled Pork
Slow-cook or roast pork until it’s tender. Shred into small, manageable strands.
The popular Latin cuisine Pernil (pork shoulder) is one of my family’s favorites. To make pork a safe baby-led weaning food, I just shred it into small pieces.
Beans are a healthy protein alternative to meat. Beans are safe foods to feed for baby-led weaning.
You can use any type of canned beans for your baby. Just make sure to drain and rinse them before serving to avoid excess sodium.
Mash up cooked beans like black beans or pinto beans to make it easier for your baby to eat.
Chickpeas are another excellent source of protein for your baby.
The most famous form of chickpeas is Hummus.
You can feed chickpeas safely for baby-led weaning. Canned or home-cooked chickpeas will work just fine.
If your baby is just starting BLW, then consider mashing the chickpeas to make it more manageable for your baby.
You can also make chickpea patties, nuggets, and fritters for your baby.

Salmon is another safe baby-led weaning food. It’s easy to prepare and can be served hot or cold.
You can serve it straight from a can or cook it from scratch.
Some of my favorite salmon recipes are salmon nuggets, salmon fish cakes, and salmon with pasta.
Lentils are another great source of protein for babies. They’re safe for BLW. You can eat them directly from a can or cook them from scratch.
Lentils can be fed directly or made into lentil muffins, lentil pancakes, lentil pasta, etc.
Eggs are my all-time favorite BLW meal. I have made many egg recipes for babies including egg muffins, scrambled eggs, eggs with pasta, etc.
Eggs are definitely a safe food for baby-led weaning. Check out my list of Egg Recipes For Babies + Ultimate Feeding Guide

Safe Baby-Led Weaning Foods – Grains
Cooked and softened oats are a great source of fiber and easy for babies to eat. You can add any fruit or vegetables to make them more nutritious.
Babies can either scoop it with their hands or eat with a preloaded spoon.
Check out some of my favorite oatmeal recipes:
- Simple Avocado Oatmeal For Baby-led Weaning (3-ingredients)
- Easy BLW Oatmeal With Blueberries and Apples
- Blueberry Oatmeal Fingers – Great For Baby-led Weaning
- 3-Ingredients Banana Oat Pancake For Baby (No Flour)
- Simple Baby Oat Muffins with apples (No Banana)
Brown Rice
Cook the brown rice until it’s soft and easily mashable. You can either roll it into a ball or serve it directly from a bowl for your baby to scoop up.
Quinoa is a great safe food for baby-led weaning.
It is a complete protein and can be cooked until it’s tender for baby’s consumption. You can also mix quinoa with rice to introduce different textures for your baby.
Cook barley until it’s soft before serving it to your baby. You can mix it with other grains or serve it directly.
This grain is a little more rare to find but it’s a great safe food for BLW.

Farro is a good alternative for rice, quinoa, or barley. Cook it until it’s soft enough for your baby to chew. Farro is a safe baby-led weaning food.
Millet is more common in other cultures. If you can obtain it, it’s a great way to introduce texture to your baby.
It’s packed with nutrients that babies need to grow and is completely safe for baby-led weaning.
Pasta is one of my go-to foods for baby-led weaning.
It’s versatile in taste and texture and cooks in less than 30 minutes. I usually use whole wheat pasta, protein pasta, or veggie pasta for added nutritional value.
This tiny pasta cooks quickly and has a soft texture suitable for babies. Couscous is a common staple in some cultures. It almost reminds me of Pastina pasta.
It’s a great way to introduce grains for baby-led weaning.
Soft-cooked buckwheat is a nutrient-rich and gluten-free grain option for babies.
Buckwheat flour can be used for baking as well. It’s a delicious and safe baby-led weaning food.
Cooked amaranth is a tiny grain with a soft texture. It contains tons of essential nutrients.
Amaranth is also a great substitute for rice, buckwheat, and other grains.
Polenta is a safe food for baby-led weaning. You can use it to make polenta soup, chips, and patties.

Foods to Avoid During BLW
During baby-led weaning, there are some foods you need to avoid or watch out for to ensure the safety and well-being of your baby. Here’s a list of foods to avoid:
Choking Hazards
- Whole nuts or seeds
- Large chunks of raw vegetables or fruits
- Hard candies or gum
- Popcorn
Foods that may cause illness
- Honey (avoid until after the first birthday due to the risk of botulism)
- Shellfish and fish high in mercury
Salty or Sugary Foods
- Processed foods with high salt content
- Foods and drinks with added sugars
- Artificial sweeteners
- Deli meats (they’re usually high in salt)
Low Nutritional Value Foods
- Highly processed or deep-fried foods
- Foods with added preservatives or artificial additives
Hard or Tough Meats
- Large pieces of tough meat that can be difficult for a baby to chew
Unpasteurized Dairy or Juices
- Unpasteurized milk, cheese, or juice due to the risk of harmful bacteria
Spicy or Strongly Flavored Foods
- Foods with intense spices or strong flavors that may be too overwhelming for a baby’s palate
Excessive Fibrous Foods
- Fibrous fruits with skins or seeds that can be challenging to digest
Tips for Ensuring Safety During BLW
Supervision is key during BLW. Always monitor your baby closely.
Make sure that you serve them cut into the appropriate size for their age. This helps prevent choking.
Before you begin baby-led weaning, make sure that you’ve checked your baby for all signs of readiness to start solids.
Always consult with your child’s pediatrician to make sure your baby is ready before you begin baby-led weaning.
FREE printable – BLW Meal Planner

Final Thoughts on Safe Foods for Baby-led Weaning
Starting solids doesn’t have to be a complicated process if you follow all the safety rules.
This list I’ve provided is all baby-led weaning-safe foods.
I hope they’ll help you in preparing delicious food for your baby during the baby-led weaning process.